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About Wathing


It is our responsibility to operate a safe and healthy community Wathing APP from the user's perspective.

Creating a community for everyone is our company's goal. You can communicate with your close friends through various photos and video videos on the Wathing APP.

Everyone's creative photos and videos support the development of the industry, individual business activities, and corporate promotional activities.

Comments Notice

When someone tries to post a comment that is unintentionally offensive to someone else, we will send them a warning message with our Community Guidelines and a warning message, and display a feature that informs them that if they continue, their comment may be deleted or hidden.


Tag feature

You can choose whether to tag or mention everyone, only people you follow, or no one in comments, captions, or stories.

Reporting feature

If you see something that violates our community guidelines, please report it so our team can review it and take action. People will not be notified when you report it.


When you restrict someone, their comments on your post will only be visible to that person. You can tap "View Comments" to view their comments, approve them for everyone to see, delete them, or ignore them.


  Receive news and friend requests

Choose the accounts you want to see first, such as your close friends or favorite creators. With Favorites, you can see the latest posts from accounts you've added to your Favorites list. You can add up to 50 accounts to your Favorites list, and you can change this list at any time.

You will not receive notifications when people are added or removed from the list. Posts from accounts in your Favorites list will also appear at the top of your home feed with a star icon. Shows posts from people who receive news and friend requests. Both Receive News and Friend Requests display posts in chronological order, so you can quickly see the latest posts.

Messenger function

1:1 chat request function
Send messages to the other person without a notification sound, and check in real time who is currently available to chat.



15-second video feature - Wahorts15

Short videos are a way to convey information in a concise manner.


대표(CEO)  : 우승민 WOO SEUNG MIN 


주소 : 대구광역시 수성구 동대구로 354,102동2901호 (한국 마케팅 센터)

Address: 29F,345, Dongdaegu-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea   (KOR,Marketing Center)


사업자 등록번호 : 504-30-30930 /  통신판매등록번호 : (제 2014-대구중구-3540호)

© 2024 Sportswa Equity Partners,inc. 99 Wall Street SUITE 857,New York, NY 10005  (USA,HQ) ,


© 2024 WATHIG Copyright Corp. All rights reserved.


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